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(Peri)Menopause Nutrition Coaching Services


$547 Monthly

Weekly 1:1 Nutrition Coaching (4 Month Program)

Meet Weekly for MenoPause Thrive Nutrition Coaching program! You'll gain the knowledge, tools, and support necessary to navigate this transformative phase of life while maintaining a healthy plant dominant lifestyle. Take charge of your (peri)menopause journey and optimize your well-being with our personalized nutrition coaching. Here is what you can expect:


  • Initial Assessment: We'll begin with a thorough assessment of your current health status, dietary habits, and lifestyle. This assessment will help us understand your unique needs and challenges during (peri)menopause. This can also include recommendations for additional testing, DUTCH Test, Stool testing and CGM. 

  • Nutritional Education Module Access: You'll learn about essential nutrients, phytoestrogens, antioxidants, and other components of a plant dominant diet that can support your changing hormones and alleviate menopausal symptoms.

  • Lifestyle Recommendations: Menopause encompasses more than just dietary changes. You'll receive guidance on lifestyle factors such as stress management, exercise, sleep, and self-care practices that can positively impact your overall well-being during this phase of life.

  • Ongoing Support: Throughout the 4-month program, you'll have weekly coaching sessions and text support

  • Supplement Recommendations: Receive guidance on vegan-friendly supplements that can support (peri)menopausal health​


$347 Monthly

Bi-Weekly 1:1 Nutrition Coaching (4 Month Program)

Meet 2x a Month for a 4-month plant dominant MenoPause Thrive Nutrition Coaching program! You'll gain the knowledge, tools, and support necessary to navigate this transformative phase of life while maintaining a healthy plant centered lifestyle. Take charge of your (peri)menopause journey and optimize your well-being with our personalized nutrition coaching. Here is what you can expect:


  • Initial Assessment: We'll begin with a thorough assessment of your current health status, dietary habits, and lifestyle. This assessment will help us understand your unique needs and challenges during menopause. This can also include recommendations for additional testing, DUTCH Test, Stool testing and CGM. 

  • Nutritional Education Module Access: You'll learn about essential nutrients, phytoestrogens, antioxidants, and other components of a plant dominant diet that can support your changing hormones and alleviate menopausal symptoms.

  • Lifestyle Recommendations: Menopause encompasses more than just dietary changes. You'll receive guidance on lifestyle factors such as stress management, exercise, sleep, and self-care practices that can positively impact your overall well-being during this phase of life.

  • Ongoing Support: Throughout the 4-month program, you'll have bi -weekly coaching sessions 

  • Supplement Recommendations: Receive guidance on vegan-friendly supplements that can support menopausal health​


$189 Monthly

On-Going Monthly Support

Monthly Nutrition Coaching Sessions are specifically tailored for those who have completed the initial program and are looking to sustain the positive changes they've made. Here's what you can expect from these continued monthly sessions:


  • ​Personalized Follow-Up: We'll begin each session by checking in on your progress since completing the 4-month program. 

  • Goal Setting and Accountability: Together, we'll set new goals and milestones to work towards during the upcoming month. 

  • Continued Nutritional Guidance: Building on the foundation established in the initial program, we'll continue and make adjustments as needed

  • Supplement Updates: As your needs change, so might your supplement requirements. 

  • Ongoing Support and Motivation: Our Monthly Nutrition Coaching Sessions are designed to provide continuous support and motivation. You'll have the opportunity to ask questions, share successes and challenges, and receive guidance and encouragement. I'll be there for you every step of the way, helping you navigate the ups and downs of menopause while maintaining a healthy vegan lifestyle.


By continuing your wellness journey with Monthly Nutrition Coaching Sessions, you'll have the ongoing support and resources needed to sustain your progress and thrive during menopause. Embrace this opportunity to prioritize your well-being, maintain healthy habits, and optimize your plant dominant lifestyle. Let's continue your transformation together!



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